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Cyient appoints Sukamal Banerjee as the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director. This leadership transition comes around after the resignation of the former CEO of the Karthikeyan Natarajan in January 2025.
Sukamal Banerjee has over 30 years of experience in engineering and digital transformation. He has worked with companies like HCL, GeometricPLM, and Xoriant. He was associated with HCL for 26 years. He significantly contributed to the development of the company by leading the Hitech and Communications market. He added unique service line that focused on digitisation of the added value chain.
“Sukamal is an accomplished leader with over 30 years of experience in the ER&D and Technology sector. He has a proven track record of establishing and growing business lines, while forging market-leading partnerships with global accounts with an engineering and technology focus.” – stated by Cyient in the announcement